If  you use Google Adsense, getting more visitors to your website becomes even more important to you, because with Google Adsense, placing ads on your site, the opportunity to make real cash money is very real.  Team1Good always offers you our services, but if you want to do it yourself, here are our techniques to gaining search engine love, which will result in more traffic- meaning more opportunities for people to click on those Google ads.

Here are 10 rules for search engine optimizing, or SEO, your website:

1. Keep your source code and layout simple. When Google and other search engines have issues extracting the most relevant keywords on your site if your layout is too complex.

2.  Have each one of your pages target one similar keyword. This makes it a lot easier for search engines to index your website properly and for the AdSense ads to be more relevant to your content.

3. Do not include too many hyperlinks in your pages or Google Adsense ads, either.

4.If you are targeting "keywords" make sure they appear in the title of your website and in the description.

5. Your content should inform and enlighten (entertain) your visitors. How do you accomplish this? Create website content that you love and are passionate about. People don't like to admit this, but there are alot of people just like themselves, with the same interests and dislikes.

6. Edit! Often times, simply re-arranging a few words can lead to a giant jump in your page rankings with search engines.

7. Use keyword tools, which will help you create good keywords for your subject matter. 

Team1Good's 7 basic rules for search engine optimization will work! SEO is not easy, sometimes you must go back and do it all over again, updating, rearranging words, re-purposing words, and staying consistent with providing your visitors good content. If you would like Team1Good to provide you our SEO and Social Media Services, simply contact us via email, with your name, number, and the goals for your website. Write Team1Good at:  team1good@inbox.com